Thursday, May 14, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, February 28, 1890.

   Word was received here on Tuesday evening announcing the death of Rev. S. Wescott, who died suddenly at North Syracuse on Tuesday morning. Mr. Wescott was pastor of the Baptist Church in this place several years ago and had many warm friends here.
   We notice in the abstract of town charges for the town of Cortlandville, charges to the amount of $226.70 for police services. "Nepos" would like to know whether the services were rendered for protecting the 45th Separate Co., N. G., if so we do not demur, but if the services were rendered for guarding the Deputy Sheriffs of Cortland Co., we object as it should have been a county charge.
   At the assignees sale of P. H. & D. McGraw on Saturday, the sales amounted to $1,655. The cows brought a good price, but the rest of the property sold very low. The butter on hand was sold at private sale to David Crane, for $1,750, about 8 cents per pound. This with two heavily mortgaged farms, 15 acres (not mortgaged), a cheap house and lot, about 40 tons of hay and a lot of defunct accounts against broken down firms, sum up the assets of the firm. The mathematician who can figure up a large percentage out of these meager assets to pay $100,000 must figure from some different rule than that laid down by "Dabol." Pity the poor laboring people who were not "protected."
   NEPOS [pen name]

   Mr. and Mrs. Ingersoll are spending several days in Cortland and Marathon.
   Quarterly meeting will begin at the Baptist church in this place on Friday evening of this week.
   Our short season of sleighing was enjoyed by every one who was the fortunate possessor of a horse and sleigh.
   Mrs. E. E. Burlingame and children, who have been spending several months with Mr. Burlingame's parents in this village, left for Elmira on Wednesday last.
   "CLEO " [pen name]

   The sick are all improving.
   Mr. Nathan James is soon to move to Virgil.
   Last week it was all auction; this week it is all moving.
   Mr. Ed Maricle, of Cincinnatus, has been calling on friends here of late.
   Mr. Wm. Baker, our wagon maker, has left us for Syracuse to-day, where he expects to do business.
   The dime social of the young people will meet at Mr. Frank Eaton's, on Thursday of this week.
   Services at both churches Sunday, and also preaching in the evening by Elder Hazelton, of Solon.
   Mr. Rorabacher, of Marathon, the marble shop man, has been in town looking after the interests of his trade.
   The funeral of Mrs. Jane Rodgers was well attended on Monday at the Baptist church, Rev. Mr. Usher, of McGrawville, officiating.
   Town meeting passed off quietly; only one had to be put in the cooler. We feel ourselves blessed that we do not have a saloon in our little village, but then the mail carrier makes regular trips to and from Marathon.
   As hired help is scarce and wages are high, farmers think it best to use all the machinery possible. They are therefore getting the Crown drill to do the work, which can be purchased at Byron Grant's, as he is selling many.
   KATE. [pen name of correspondent]

   Mr. Frank Price spent a part of last week at Albany.
   Died, Feb. the 22d, Mrs. Betsy Woodard, aged 85 years and ten months. The funeral was held Monday at her daughter's, Mrs. John Downs.
   While Mr. Charles Glazier, of Summerhill, was coming to town to visit his mother, Mrs. John Oakley, and while near Fred Ryan's, one of his horses fell down dead.
   Mr. W. H. Hall, proprietor of the Virgil hotel, will give his opening dance Friday evening, March 14th. Music by Prof. Daniels' full orchestra. All are cordially invited to attend.
   Mr. Rudolph Price was at Harford Mills Sunday to see his wife, who, about two weeks ago, while visiting at Mr. O. Sexton's, fell down stairs and hurt herself quite badly—so they could not move her to her home. She is gaining slowly.
   Died, Feb. 23d, Mrs. Phebe Booth, 87 years of age. She died on her birthday. Funeral services were held Tuesday, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Marvin Williams. She had lived with her daughter several years, and leaves three daughters to mourn, beside a large circle of relatives and friends.
   Why should our tears in sorrow flow.
     When God calls his own,
   And bids them leave a world of woe,
     For an immortal crown?
   TOPSY. [pen name]

   Snow, thaw, rain, mud. How do you like it, anyhow?
   John M. Miller has hired to I. J. Foster eight months for $20 per month.
   The auction sale of I. J. Foster, Monday, of this week, was a complete failure.
   Will Crandall works for Wilford Young seven or eight months. Price, $20 per month.
   Mr. J. M. Seacord has forty lumber and twenty buggy and platform wagons under way for the spring trade.
   The little unpleasantness in the Republican ranks of this town resulted in the election of a Democrat for town collector.
   Mr. Frank Rowe sold his entire dairy of butter to Hilton & Patrick, of Truxton. Price reported. $14.50 per firkin, and $7.50 per tub. Protection to the farmer.
   It made us feel hilarious to see the old rooster come out in the DEMOCRAT, last week, and crow so lustily over the result of the town meetings in this county. Wonder if the G. O. P. heard something drop? Would it not be well for our Republican friends to put on a little more protection to the farmer?
   UNCLE SI. [pen name]

   S. B. Pierce is at Blodgett's Mills, where he is building a barn.
   The first ice of the season was harvested Monday. It was from seven to nine inches thick, and quite nice.
   Rumor has it that Bentley & Mack are negotiating for the stock of goods owned by John Allen, at Texas Valley, with the intention of running a branch store there.
   John Courtney, Jr., of Cortland, was in town last week, looking up evidence in the case of the accidental death of Jerry Griffin. Rumor has it that there will be a suit brought against the town for damages.
   The Hotel Lynde is doing a rushing business just now. Their applications for table board have been far in demand of their accommodations, and they have been compelled to deny any further applicants at present, at least, so we are informed. We wish the boys success.
    *    *
       * [pen name symbol]

   Thomas Welsh is confined to the house by sickness.
   Charles Mudge is visiting friends in Pennsylvania.
   James Brown was called to Cuyler Monday on account of the serious illness of his father.
   This is moving week with a number of people hereabouts. Peter McLane moves to Solon; D. McDonald onto the place vacated by him. Dell Tracy to Cincinnatus, Philetus to Cuyler; Julius Halbert will occupy the place vacated by them. Dock Huntley to Pitcher, H. Faint back on to his farm, O. Cooper to McGrawville, also Mrs. Ann Hawley.
   Fred Halbert came over from Homer town meeting day for the purpose of voting the republican ticket. By thus importing from other towns our opponents were enabled to elect the head of their ticket. Another thing that looks bad for the solidly republican returning board is the fact of their being unable to make their count of votes cast, tally with the poll list. According to the poll list there was 231 votes cast, when the votes were counted 230 only were found, which was divided as follows: Rep. 111; Dem. 110; Pro. 9; thus giving the republican candidate a plurality of one vote. In this connection there are several things we would like to know. When the republicans want a vote very badly are they to be allowed to import voters from Homer to supply the deficiency? What became of that ballot? Was it extracted from the rest of the votes while being counted? Among democrats it is certainly a great mystery what became of it.
   "For ways that are dark and tricks that are (not in) vain, etc."
   CALUMET [pen name]

   Darius Snell has purchased the late John Catlin farm at $20 per acre.
   Mr. Joe Freer and lady friend of Cortland, spent Sunday with his brother in Higginsville.
   S. B. Pierce, of Marathon, has the barn nearly completed on the premises lately sold by him to Mr. John Smith of Cortland.
   "Hard times" evidently had struck the buyers at the John Brown auction. Cows sold from $13 to $25.75, and everything else proportionally low.
   Mr. Nathan James, of Freetown, has rented Mrs. Maria Spencer's farm containing three hundred acres, together with sixteen cows. He pays $300. Hub Stevens, the present occupant, moves on the Wm. Carr farm north of McGrawville.
   Mrs. Whitney, whom we reported last week as improving, was taken suddenly worse the early part of the week and died last Thursday. Funeral Saturday at the M. E. Church, Rev. Mr. Robertson, of Cortland, officiating. Interment at Cortland.
   Last Saturday, Feb. 22nd, the descendants of Mrs. Louisa Burt gathered under the family roof tree to give that amiable lady a genuine surprise, it being her sixty-third birthday. Children and grandchildren were all present save one wee granddaughter, and other friends to the number of twenty-five gathered around the sumptuous dinner provided by the self invited guests.

   Frank Warner is "setting em up;" it’s a girl.
   The Hathaway creamery here just shipped one hundred packages of butter to Elmira, Wis., the first they have shipped this season.
   Henry Hickey, who has been with the Hathaway estate for some time, leaves March 1. He will move into the house vacated by Frank Miller.
   Sager & Corcoran have a carload of fertilizers which they expect about March 1. Any one wishing fertilizers would do well to see them before buying elsewhere.

   Old Mrs. Bacon, mother of Harrison Bacon is dead.
   Riley Smith has hired for the season to Fred Van Denburg.
   Old Mrs. Mason died the 24th inst., in the 91st year of her age.
   Alfred R. Burdick is on a trip to New York city and Washington, D. C.
   About forty tickets were sold for the dance at C. V. Fuller's party the 21st inst.
   Several are upon the sick list. Among the number are Philip Niver, Jay Callen, Fred F. Burdick and Rev. W. D. Fox.
   We learn that the Cottrell and Frisbie suit before Esq. Kingsbury of Homer, resulted in favor of Cottrell, the plaintiff. [Action for tax relief--CC editor.]
   A very large congregation of sympathizing friends attended the funeral service of Henry A. Niver. He was buried at Moravia.
   Heavy rain on Tuesday. From snow and slush to gaum and mud. Who ever saw the like? Too warm for comfort some of the time.
   Mrs. Henry Hazard died the 25th inst. She had been in poor health for a great many years. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss. Her age was about 64 years.
   E. W. Childs has hired the farm of Geo. Hazard and son for one year for a flax crop. We also learn that the said Hazards have traded the said premises with Perry Norton, of Spafford, for his blacksmith shop, subject to the above named lease.
   We learn that a regular jollification was held at the Dunbar Hotel in the evening after the votes were counted. Not only were oysters served, but wet goods were free to all. The people had decided in favor of liquor, and why should they not have it?
   Rev. H. P. Burdick who has been holding revival meetings here and who was expecting to leave to-day, has been retained to preach the funeral sermons of Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Hazard. We learn that he has been invited by the W. C. T. U. of Fabius to come there and hold a series of temperance meetings. He expects to go.
   Wonder if the editor of the Homer Republican has changed his mind any since one year ago when he denounced the wicked Prohibitionists as responsible for that town's voting for license, because they had the impudence to run a town ticket of their own. Now this year they had a town ticket just the same, and yet the vote has changed from a license majority to 210 majority against license. People will spite themselves sometimes in the hope that by such action they may drive people to ride in their wagon against their will but it don't pay in the long run, as the better class of republicans in that town now evidently see.

   Messrs. Schwartz of Syracuse, and Westcott of New York, were at the Raymond House one day this week.
   B. L. McNamara, while working around the ice house stepped on a nail which came near giving him the lock-jaw.
   The want of snow is felt by those who have cut and agreed to deliver logs at this station. Some have been drawn on wagons.
   Edward Foster will move on to the home farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Foster are waiting a favorable chance to purchase in the village.
   Some party is drawing the greatest quantity of ash logs to H. W. Blashfield's mill that we ever saw delivered. We counted seventeen on one load.
   The milk depot is shipping nearly forty cans each day. The three cent contract expires on the last day of this month, and patrons are on the anxious seat.
   The farmers on East Hill struck a bonanza in gathering ice from the swail ponds on their farms. Eligah Corl got some nearly ten inches thick, and solid as lake ice.
   We note with great pleasure that in the increased vote at the town meeting the straight democratic ticket kept step. We hope to see Homer get among the doubtful towns.
   A. B. Raymond has been constable in this place for about a dozen years. He has never had but one bill against the town. What say our village constables with their nearly $350 each this year?
   Mr. Kaatz has been in town for the past few days looking for ice to fill his two milk depot houses. Van Hoesen will fill the one in Homer and he will draw with teams to this one, from the Perkins' cove.
   In the suit of Cottrel vs. The Supervisor of Scott, tried before a jury in Homer, it was decided that a man should not be forced to pay his road tax twice in the same year. Verdict for the plaintiff to the amount claimed.
   We have been reading with interest the Supervisors' Journal, kindly sent us by Supervisor Bennett. We compliment clerk Mellon on the fullness of the record and the Homer Republican on the plain and business manner in which it is put in type. We note with pleasure that those who voted for the highest expense to the county were elected to stay at home at the late town meetings. Let the incoming board equal Chenango in the dispatch of business and all taxpayers will remember them with pleasure.
   The ice question has been the all absorbing theme for the past week. D. W. Van Hoesen of Cortland, started his elevator last Monday and everything worked nicely until the south wind and hot sun softened the ice after seven hours work. The "Republican" breeze from the town meetings again chilled the lake and on Saturday noon they again started working until Monday night, filling nearly one-third of their house and loading about thirty cars for shipment, and all with six-inch ice. If the ice was fifteen inches thick, they could place a ton a minute on the cars or in their house with their gang of thirty men. All their apparatus has been set under the eye of an experienced Hudson river ice gatherer of thirty years' experience.
   ULI SLICK. [pen name]

   It is a good rule to speak to a horse first before you enter his stall, no matter how gentle he is.
   Mr. Clinton Francis has been on the sick list about two weeks.
   Mr. Hall, formerly our groceryman and postmaster, will move to Berkshire next week, where he will open a boot and shoe store.
   When you have given the boys a habit of thoroughness, you have laid the foundation for making them good farmers.
   Thomas Morgan, of McLean died last Saturday aged 68 years. Mr. Morgan was well known in this vicinity as a first class landlord.
   Few farms in the county have been made to produce over 50 per cent of their capacity and few farmers are qualified to make even 100 acres do more. How true this is! every thinking farmer exclaims. It is a cause for more thinking and better work, greater calculation and closer workmanship. If you are about buying a farm in these hard times don't buy a large one. Put one-half your money into a small farm and use the remainder to improve it and you will have better crops, less work, less taxation, more comfort and more money at the end of each year.

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