Friday, April 17, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, December 27, 1889.

Pharisaical Arguments Made by a Shameless Protection Organ.
   This from the [Chicago] Inter-Ocean is as coolly Pharisaical as anything in which it has indulged:
   "The Democratic programme of political action fails in this: It takes no note of the conscience of the American people. It is an old and ineradicable tendency of the Democratic party to ignore the public conscience. It is a party that always seeks to win by winking at and allying itself with the uncertain tendencies of the age."
   Are you there, old Truepenny? Note, then, this: That the Republican party assumes that the American people have no conscience and that its campaigns for power are made upon the theory that the people may be debauched with their own money. What are the specifications? The Republican party gained power on what ground? That it will subsidize steamships; that it will pay out pensions unstintedly [sic]; that it will give bounties for sugar-raising; that it will vote great river and harbor bills; that it will prevent a free market in fabrics of home production for the benefit of the home producers— in short, that it will take the money of all the people and so bestow it that while the plunderers will be enriched, something, a small piece of the pork severally, a vast chunk collectively, will close the mouths of veterans.
   The Republican party assumes that the majority of the Nation are adventurers, schemers, jobbers, mendicants—shiftless fellows who want Government support or greedy and crafty speculators that would make the Government increase their present large fortunes.
   The whole campaign of the Republican party last year was an attempt to debauch the people. Where the bait of the platform was not successful Quay's committee was at work with concrete corruption funds. Dudley would have electors bought in blocks of five out of money furnished by the pious Wanamaker. The platform made no secret of its purpose to bid with the funds in the National exchequer. "Here we are,'' they cried, "here we are, the only party in the land that will make the public money fly for the private benefit. Here we are, Messrs. Veterans of War, without regard to length of service, circumstances of enlistment or character of record; here we are, bidding for your vote of the National Treasury.
   Come on, subsidy-grabbers of all kinds, we are the only fellows in the field that will legalize your schemes of robbery. You scratch our back by giving up the Government and we'll scratch yours by passing some subsidy bills with great opportunities. This way, manufacturers; no nonsense here; you want a high tariff and we want your vote. Come on, gentlemen, come on; it's a bargain; you buy us and we buy you."
   And so it ran, always promising free use of the Treasury for particular interests, offering debauchment, and assuming of course that the American people are wholly without conscience or have consciences so weak that it can be stifled by an act of Congress with a job in it. The popular vote was against them, but they won, and expect with a Congress and an Executive wholly in their interest that the bribes will be paid. The old veteran of thirty days' service, the subsidy hunter, the wool-grower, the manufacturer, the fellows with irrigation schemes, the pig iron lords, the mill barons, all and singular, the people who want the Government to aid them to riches are gathering at the capital to demand for themselves and their kind the fulfillment of campaign promises.
   It is entirely fitting that the organ of such a party should, when arrived at the temple for prayer, assert that the great Democratic party, were Publicans and sinners, are without conscience, while they, the Pharisees, are familiars of the Lord—excellent fellows in whom there is no guile. It is an old trick, and sometimes it wins. But the present moment is not propitious for its use.—Chicago Times.

Henry W. Grady
   In the death of Mr. Henry W. Grady, editor of the Atlanta, Ga., Constitution, which occurred last Monday morning, the South has lost one of its foremost citizens. Mr. Grady was one of the brightest journalists in the country and as an orator he had few equals. It is not too much to say, that he was doing more for the South than any other of her citizens and his loss will be the more seriously felt, for the reason that there seems to be no one to take his place.

An Action Against a Cayuga Millionaire.
   AUBURN, Dec 23.—The case of Receiver Hayes, of the defunct First National bank against Nelson Beardsley to recover $100,000 alleged to have been fraudulently obtained from the bank while a director, was commenced before Judge Davy today. Beardsley is the wealthiest man in Cayuga county, and is rated at $7,000,000. Congressman Payne is the attorney for the plaintiff.

   The malt houses at Weedsport, owned by Miller & Kirby, of Auburn, have been bought by an English syndicate for $100,000. The new owners took possession last week Monday, with Mr. Kirby as resident manager at a salary of $5,000 per annum.
   Peter Clark, the brakeman, whose back was broken about a week ago at Nichols, is improving. His back was fractured and dislocated at the fifth dorsal vertebra and the spinal cord was pressed upon in such a manner that he lost all power of sensation from the instant of the accident. It will be remembered that he fell beneath the cars with his back to the brake beam, and was pushed along feet first until they struck a high tie, and he was doubled up over the brake beam. An extension was used, says the Elmira Gazette, and the vertebra replaced, since which time sensation has been partially restored. Such cases usually prove fatal, though Mr. Clark is at the present time quite comfortable.
For Sale. [Ad]
   A farm of about 65 acres, well watered, fair buildings and located about one mile east of East Homer, will be sold on easy terms. For further particulars enquire of Mrs. Ann Martin on the premises.

Fresh Oysters. [Ad]
   The finest oysters to be found in Cortland, at WEBSTER & CORNINO'S Market, 19 Clinton Ave.

Life is too Short. [Ad]
and time and money too precious, to be frittered away in the trial of uncertain means of cure, when one is afflicted with any lingering or chronic ailment of the liver, lungs or blood. Now, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is such a positive remedy for all such ills, as to warrant its manufacturers in selling it, as they are doing, through druggists, on condition that if it don't do all that it is recommended to, the money paid for it will be promptly refunded. There are a great many blood-purifiers advertised, but only the "Golden Medical Discovery" of Dr. Pierce could sustain itself and be sold under such trying conditions. To sell any ordinary medicine under such a guarantee, would bankrupt its proprietors, but with the "Golden Medical Discovery" all that is asked for it is a fair trial, and if it don't do all that it is advertised to, the manufacturers will cheerfully and promptly refund all money paid for it. By this singularly peculiar method of business, alike liberal to the purchasers and exacting to the manufacturers, the invalid can be sure of getting the value of his money, which is not true of any other medicine. All diseases arising from a torpid liver, or from impure or poisoned blood, are conquered by the "Golden Medical Discovery." Especially has it manifested its marvelous potency in curing Salt-rheum, Teeter, Eczema, Psoriasis, Impetigo, Erysipelas, and all skin and scalp diseases, no matter of how long standing. Scrofulous affections, sores and swellings, as Fever sores, White Swellings, Hip-joint Disease and kindred ailments yield to its positive, purifying, strengthening and healing properties. Lung-scrofula (commonly known as Consumption of the Lungs) also yields to it, if it be taken in time and given a fair trial. Contains no alcohol to inebriate, no syrup or sugar to ferment and impair digestion; as wonderful in its curative results as it is peculiar in composition. Don't accept any substitute, said to be "just as good," that the dealer may make a large profit.

It Has Guarded a Fortune for a Century.
   NEW YORK, Dec. 23.—The Tribune says: Charles Roll, of Newark, N. J., accidentally broke an old mirror four weeks ago. It had been given to him years ago by his grandfather. The glass was shivered and an old, yellowed piece of parchment was disclosed to view for the first time in a century or more, as was proved by the nature of the document.
   For seventy-five years Mr. Roll and his relatives have been endeavoring to gain additional evidence with which they could lay claim to a wide stretch of land in the Mohawk valley, along the banks of the Mohawk river. Mr. Roll knew perfectly well that his Holland Dutch ancestor, Jacob Roll, had owned a large tract of land there, which had been abandoned during the French and Indian wars, but he never found any papers by which he could fix the position of the land.
   The document which dropped from the mirror back four weeks ago was an important missing proof that the heirs of Jacob Roll, of whom there are 150, have long been seeking. Having found it, they will press their claim to property near Schenectady, N. Y., valued at six million dollars. The piece of folded parchment was a deed from the Indians to Jacob Roll, giving a clear title to a tract of land four miles in length, along the Mohawk river, beginning in the city of Schenectady and running back from the river nine miles. The whole town of Amsterdam is believed to be included in the Indian deed, as are also valuable properties of the New York Central railroad.
   An Indian title or deed of land is almost impossible to set aside in New York State. The validity of this deed is declared to be unquestionable as C. W. Manning of Cincinnati, Ohio, was in Albany, N. Y., Saturday and found the deed recorded in the old Dutch records in 1683. Mr. Manning went to Elizabeth [New Jersey] Saturday night, as soon as he proved the genuineness of the title, and there joined a committee comprising representatives of over 100 heirs. Charles W. Roll of Newark was chairman of the committee.
   The other representatives were C. W. Manning, Cincinnati; George R. Mitchell,New York; Richard Franz, Newark , Walter Roll, Linden, N. J.; Wm. Roll, Cincinnati, and Maurice Statmeyer, Elizabeth. These men subscribed a sum of money with which to push the claims of the heirs, and assessed each of the heirs a certain sum as a reserve fund. The heirs are scattered in all parts of the United States.
   When Jacob Roll was compelled to flee owing to the Indian war he went to central New Jersey and settled at Springfield. There he also owned considerable property by Indian deeds, and the validity of these deeds has never been questioned. The heirs are confident that at least part of the land can be claimed, as the deed specifically explains what lands are transferred to Jacob Roll.

Dr. Pierce at the American Museum of Natural History:


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