Thursday, March 12, 2015


Cortland Democrat advertisement, Friday, August 2, 1889.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, August 2, 1889.

A Great Exhibition.
Some Rarely Wonderful Features with the Barnum-Bailey Fifteen New Shows.
   Of all the big shows ever organized by Barnum and Bailey, the one they bring here on Wednesday, August 14th, is the largest and richest. Over $600,000 in cash were expended this winter in accumulating new features to add to the glories of the "Greatest Show on Earth," and it is safe to say that twice as much would be spent were it necessary to maintain the supremacy that has always existed in the Barnum and London New United Fifteen Shows, with its three rings, two elevated stages, double menageries, horse fair, aquarium, aviary, aquatic sports, athletic games, museum of living human wonders, world exposition, Paris Olympia Hippodrome, new allegorical chariots, full military bands, juvenile fife and drum corps, new street parade, Japanese troup [sic], trained animals, 7 open dens of wild beasts, trained zebras, trotting steers, thrilling races; and real Wild Moorish Caravan, tribe of Wandering Bedoins [sic], dancing girls, slaves, attendants, tents of animal skins, religious articles carried on the pilgrimages of the Moors to Mohamet's [sic] tomb at Mecca, and the Arabian horses, arms, weapons, priests, and other Eastern and barbaric paraphanalia [sic], illustrating in a grand, magnificent Moorish Entertainment the lives of these remarkable people on the great desert of Sahara, in camp, mimic battles, attacking caravans, and feats of wild Eastern horsemanship and dexterity in the use of their curious weapons.
   The tents will all remain up until nine at night, and the night performances are guaranteed to be the same as those of the afternoon. The grand monster new street parade will take place in the morning at 9 o'clock, rain or shine, wherein will be exhibited free $1,500,000 worth of rare features. The tents are immense and seat 20,000 people, and it requires 64 railroad cars to transport the monster Shows. A new and special feature has just been added, consisting of a gallery of beautiful supernatural visions, which are exhibited in a specially constructed black canvas tent.

   Barnum's Great Show, Wednesday Aug. 14th.
   The fall term of Homer Academy opens August 27th.
   C. F. Bennett has been appointed postmaster at East Homer.
   Wickwire Bros. wire works commenced running again after a two week shut down.
   There is an Indian dude at Cheyenne by the name of No Brains. Some of his relatives reside in this vicinity.
   By a new law physicians who examine insane persons are obliged to be registered with the State Commissioner in Lunacy at Albany.
   The date of the sale of the property of the Homer Mfg. Co. has been changed from August 5th to Friday August 2nd, as will be seen by a local notice in another column.
   Sporting men should bear in mind the fact that the Board of Supervisors of this county passed a law last winter prohibiting the killing of squirrels and woodcock before September 1st next.
   A careless compositor made us say last week that the annual salary of the postmaster of Marathon had been raised to $10,000. A child ought to have known better. It should have read $1,000.
   The Merry-go-round, which has been well patronized in this place for the past few weeks, was shipped to Homer last Tuesday. It is now the property of Chas. [Town], Dudley Smith and Ed. Winslow, who purchased it for $2,500.
   The following are the officers of the Cortland base ball club: President, Jas. Dougherty; Secretary, G. F. Beaudry; Treasurer, John Dowd; committee on [publicity?], H. Place, H. Dowd. The club will wear blue suits with white caps and [belts?].
   The new board of Pension Examiners organized on Wednesday by electing Dr. H. C. Hendricks, president; Dr. J. Angel, secretary and Dr. C. B. Trafford, treasurer. There were just offices enough to go around.
   Dr. Wm. M. Bradford of Marathon, who was declared a lunatic some time since and over whom a committee had been appointed to take charge of his person and property, has recovered his health and the committee has been discharged.
   Mr. Ed. L. Adams has purchased the building and lot known as the "Engine House" in Marathon and will repair the same and move the Independent into the new quarters shortly. The lot is 30x77 feet and the purchase is considered a good one.
   Chapter 186, laws of 1889, gives to the Trustees of incorporated villages the power to drain stagnant waters and to raise or fill up low grounds, if nuisances, and assess the expense thereof upon the property benefited, in proportion to the amount of such benefit, and to regulate the water courses, ponds and watering places in the village; to cause all necessary sewers to be built and to assess the expense thereof in crossing streets and alleys and along village property upon the taxpayers of the village, and the remainder of the expense to be assessed upon the owners of the lots upon or in front of which said sewer is made or which are benefited thereby, in a just proportion as near as may be, according to the benefit accrued to said lots respectively. The amount of the benefit in any case where the same is made the basis of assessment under this section shall be determined by the President and Trustees.--Ex.

Auction Sale.
   To be sold by auction all the real and personal properly consisting of two shops and 2 1/2 acres of land located on the Main street between Cortland and Homer, opposite the gas works [today's CNY Living History Center] and $2,500 worth of first class carriage and wagon stock consisting of paints, oils, varnishes, rubber cloth, leather, $500 worth of cloth, iron and iron trimmings, of blacksmith and shop tools, such as are used in the manufacture of wagons and sleighs. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock Friday, August 2, 1889, Gen. L. Williams, auctioneer. Terms on personal property 3 months on approved notes, on real estate, easy terms. For any information previous to day of sale apply to M. F. Cleary, Cortland. N. Y.

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