Wednesday, January 21, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 1, 1889.

   The following letters were received by the San Rafael Mining and Milling Company, from Messrs. Foster, Schutt and Sornberger, now at the Company's mines in Honduras, C. A.:
   NACAOME, C. A., Jan. 29, 1889.
San Rafael Mining and Milling Co.:
   GENTS.—The tunnel on the San Rafael is progressing finely. The last three yards has cut into the wall rock, which is beautiful in composition and position. The foot rock is porphyry. Better assurance could not be asked. This is the result of my examination day before yesterday. Mr. Gifford reports to-day as follows—"In the cross-cut tunnel I have met with a face dipping in the same directions as the vein in the shaft above. The face has a red color, which indicates that we are nearing the vein, and when intersected I have every reason to believe that we shall have such a vein as will repay you for your patience."
   The slow work of pushing the tunnel through the hard country rock has required some considerable patience, but it was the thing to do and it will be done. The location of the house is very pretty and cool. It sits on a great flat rock with a beautiful natural lawn.
   The moneys in my hands January 1st, 1889 is $1,050.
   Respectfully submitted,
   J. E. FOSTER.

   NACAOME, Jan 30, 1889.
Friend C. E. Ingalls:
   From the tone of your letter 1 think you are happy, just as we are here. I learn that you have some kickers up there, but give us a little time and we will give you something to kick against that will do your toes good. In my judgment, we have all that we could ask for and more than we can utilize. In this country, things move slow but we will get there in good shape. I want you to send me a Coltone pocket map of Honduras and an almanac and a map of the U. S., we have nothing of the kind here.
   Yours truly, working for a fortune,
   E. P. Schutt.

   CORINTO, Nicaragua, Feb 5, 1889.
Friend Ingalls:
   I am now within 66 miles of Amapala. Expect to be there by daylight in the morning; will mail this there. We have been all day at this port. Have put off 200 tons of freight here. We have on board a lot of heavy machinery for Amapala, a large portable boiler made in England etc., also quite a quantity of mercury in flasks. Have had a nice trip. Clear and warm ever since we passed Hatteras. Have seen sharks and porpoises without number and two whales, one within 50 ft. of the ship. I fell in with a man on board who speaks Spanish and a little English, who is acquainted all through Central America. He knows Imboden, Foster, Col. Baker etc., and has given me quite a history of mining in Honduras.
   Monday morning, Feb. 6, '89.
   Arrived at Amapala at 5:30 A. M. all right. Met Mr. Keoncke and the President of the La Victoria. This man says Foster is in Tegucigalpa. I get a steam launch to La Brea to-day, I think, at 3 P. M.

   NACAOME, Honduras. C. A. Jan. 31, 1889.
San Rafael Mining and Milling Co.:
   GENTLEMEN:—It seems to me perfectly ridiculous as well as shameful that while I am working hard and legitimately here on a grand and solid enterprise, that a few would be stock dealers of peanut stock proportions should be trifling with our interests—that people should be as silly as to pay any attention to these men, well known to be destitute of both character and principle, who are trying to destroy our enterprise; men who are perfectly ignorant of anything pertaining to it or anything connected with it; men whose principal occupation is to discredit anything which they have not been paid to recommend, and trying to make out that they are wise fellows, talking all the fear and never accomplishing anything. Still more to be condemned, are the men who let their stock get into the hands of these persons. I want no more to do with such associates.
   Thanks—heartily, to the good men who stand by this enterprise. 1 would like to take them by the hand now. I congratulate myself that I have some associates who are true men. The money that has been pocketed by speculation and hedging would pay for all our wants. If you sap the mother what will nourish the babe, give him a little till he can stand.
   A great boom is coming. Honduras is not commanding the attention of Cortland alone, but of the entire raining [sic] world. Conservative old England after much examination has opened her purse wide. Could I deceive the Englishman and his expert who made the deal on Amparo? How ridiculous all this is; it reminds me of the ideas that disturb one in Tegucigalpa.
   Well, boys, if I keep on I shall get mad and it does not become me to get angry with such trash. So good by, in all the sincerity of men and friends,
   J. E. FOSTER.

   The following cable dispatch was received by Mr. Beebe, a member of the company, last Saturday evening.
   NACAOME, C. A., Feb. 23, 1889.
H. C. Beebe, Cortland, N. Y.:
   Arrived all right, am well. Everything looks encouraging. Do not be anxious to sell stock. There is no discount on what the mines have been represented to be. Every day’s development proves them better. I expect to sail for home about February 25th or 26th.

   The death rate of the veterans of the war is now 6,600 per year.
   Wilmington (Del.) morocco factories need the hides of 20,000 goats daily.
   The President yesterday signed the commission of Norman J. Coleman to be Secretary of Agriculture.
   The Courier printing company of Buffalo has three [circus] show printing contracts which aggregate: $75,000 Barnum, $75,000 Sells Bros., Forepaugh $85,000.
   While two men were at work in the woods at Montague, Lewis county, a few days ago, a falling tree disturbed a pile of brush, from which appeared five bears—two old ones and three cubs.
   The New York Star says: “William Corbett of California, the owner of the stallion Guy Wilkes, last week refused $75,000 for him. Fifty thousand was also offered for Sable Wilkes.”
   The costliest stable in the world has been built in Syracuse for Mr. D. Edgar Crouse, the millionaire horseman. When it is completely ready for occupancy, it will represent an outlay of at least $500,000.
   Baron Li Yen Pong, a merchant prince of China, worth $40,000,000, and who has large commercial interests in this country, arrived at New York last Sunday. His arrival caused a flutter in the Chinese quarter.
   The gas at the Sandy Creek well continues to flow steadily. Contractor Hubbard will, in a few days, explode 30 pounds of dynamite at the bottom of the well, to open up all crevices that may add to the flow of gas.
   The Martin House at Ithaca was burned Tuesday morning. The female cook leaped from a second story window and broke her leg. John Meaney, a boarder occupying a room on the third floor, attempted to get out by means of a rope fire escape, but the rope was not fastened in his room, and he fell a distance of 40 feet, sustaining serious injuries. The origin of the fire is unknown. Loss about $5,000; insurance $4,000.

Shocking Disaster in a Pennsylvania Mining Town.
   PLYMOUTH, Pa., Feb. 25.—A terrible disaster occurred here to-day by which ten girls and one man were killed. Back of the Gaylord shaft stood the factory of John Powell in which were manufactured squibs, used by the miners in loosening coal in the mines. The factory employed 184 girls ranging from 13 to 20 years and several male workmen. While the majority of the girls were home eating dinner the people were startled by a deafening explosion. They rushed terror stricken to the doors and windows and saw clouds of smoke ascending from the factory. Soon a large crowd had gathered around it, and women began wringing their hands and men turned away when the charred body of a young girl was seen in one of the rooms and the fact became known that at least 20 persons were in the building at the time of the explosion eating their lunch. The scene was fraught with terror as the girls, some bleeding, others gasping for fresh air, rushed to the windows and screamed frantically for help.
   A dozen miners from the adjoining colliery arrived and rushed towards the building, but as soon as they stepped near the door another terrific explosion took place and the entire building collapsed, burying in the ruins those who had stood crying for assistance.
   The braver men, when the smoke and flying debris had settled, rushed among the ruins and one by one the bodies were found and taken out charred beyond recognition, bleeding and mangled. As the mothers recognized some familiar token or piece of dress by which they could tell their loved ones the scene was heartrending. The bodies, as fast as taken out, were removed to an undertaker's. Their features were so badly mutilated that they were scarcely recognizable.
   The killed so far as known are:
   Kate Jones, aged, 18.
   Maggie Lynch, aged 21.
   Hettie Jones, aged 16.
   Gladdis Reese, aged 15.
   Mary Walters, aged 17.
   Maggie Richards, aged 17.
   Mary A. Lake, aged 17.
   Ruth Powell, aged 19.
   Esther Powell, aged 22.
   Jessie Connell, aged 16.
   George G. Reese, engineer, aged 40.
   John Powell, the proprietor, was badly injured. Business here is at a standstill and the community is plunged in gloom. Several kegs of powder caused the explosion, but how they were exploded is a mystery.



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